In this episode of "A Fresh Perspective with Jeff Charles," host Jeff Charles engages in a thought-provoking conversation with his guest, Mike Decentralize, also known as the Township Liberator. The discussion centers around the importance of local politics over national politics, highlighting how local governance can be a powerful tool for resisting larger, tyrannical governing bodies.
Mike Decentralize, who has been a part of the Libertarian Party since 1991, emphasizes the potential for significant social change through local action and nullification, using examples like Huntington Beach's resistance to Sacramento's housing mandates and the refusal of certain California sheriffs to enforce unconstitutional COVID-19 restrictions.
The conversation underscores the idea that while national elections may seem important, real change and defense of personal liberties often occur at the local level.
The discussion also delves into the concept of "Township Liberation," which involves building coalitions of like-minded individuals to repel unjust laws and create pockets of liberty within local communities. Mike Decentralize shares his experiences and strategies, such as conducting SWOT analyses to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within local governance.
The episode also touches on historical examples of nullification and civil disobedience, including the resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act. To further promote these ideas, Mike is working on a book titled "Revival of Common Sense: The Case for Township Liberation," which aims to inspire and guide local activists in their efforts to create more autonomous and free communities.
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